You might have already seen the Village Notice Board on Shirley Oaks Road. It was delivered much earlier than expected.
The SOVRA Committee would like to invite you on Sunday, 28th April 2019, at 3 pm for a cup of tea or coffee and a piece of cake to celebrate the occasion. It will also be an opportunity to meet and chat with the committee and other residents.
The event will be held on the field behind the notice board, near Beech House (18 Shirley Oaks Road). Please see flyer for the event here.
We are thankful to all who have supported this project. Our Councillors Gareth Streeter, Sue Bennett and Richard Chatterjee for awarding SOVRA with a North Ward Community Grant; all the residents who have attended our events and helped raise enough funds to make it possible, local businesses for their donations and Shirley Oaks Management for their support.
We hope to see you on the 28th!
SOVRA Committee