Due to the emerging new London Plan, Croydon Council has started a Partial Review of the Croydon Plan adopted back in February 2018.
The Part Review will be addressing the Local Green Space designations that the Inspectorate rejected in the last adopted plan, because it wasn’t assessed properly by the Council.
Residents are being given the opportunity to take part and submit surveys on those sites.
As far as Shirley Oaks Village is concerned, we need as many residents as possible to fill one of the two Surveys, entitled: Local Plan Partial review – Call for Evidence on Local Green Spaces.
Link to Survey:
You do need to scroll to the bottom of that page to find the Survey.
The 3 Shirley Oaks Village sites in question are: Playing Field & Wood, Land behind Honeysuckle Gardens and the Balancing Pond.
Only Honeysuckle Gardens shows up on the map when you click on the star. You do need to zoom in on that area (by double clicking on the Honeysuckle star or expanding the map) to get the 2 other stars, one for the Playing Field and another for the Balancing pond.
Please write how you use the Space and why it is important to you. Dog walking, picnic with the children or grandchildren, tranquillity, compensation to having extremely small gardens etc..
You have to complete a survey for each site that is important to you.
The closing date for submitting the Survey is midnight, 22 July 2019.